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Social Media Tips

Social Media Planning and Consistency

Social Media Planning and Consistency

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Today, I want to talk about social media planning and consistency. What is it, why it’s important, and how I can help you! Note: I’m using “Facebook” throughout this article. This is for example sake only. The same concepts apply if your primary channel is Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. WHATEVER platform(s) you are using for your business, planning and consistency are essential! What is Social Media Planning? Social media marketing is only a piece… Read More »Social Media Planning and Consistency

Beach Landscape - Social Media Break

My Social Media Break

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Last week my husband and I went on vacation to Holden Beach, North Carolina. North Carolina was his home for about 20 years and mine for 9, and we try to go back once a year or so to visit. This year, in conjunction with our beach vacation, I decided to also take a total social media break. I Deleted My Social Media Apps From My Phone On Friday after we dropped our pets off… Read More »My Social Media Break