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5 Ways to Market Your Vacation Rental to a Local Audience

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Are you seeing a decline in the upcoming season’s vacation rental bookings due to the rise in gas prices and other inflation? Instead of booking expensive flights or taking long road trips to arrive at your vacation rental, some travelers are looking for getaway options that are closer to home.

Here are five ways to market your vacation rental to a local audience, who perhaps aren’t your normal demographic but may be looking for a new local adventure.

#1 – Reach Out to Local Tourism and Business Organizations

One of the best ways to reach a local audience is to reach out to local tourism and business organizations in your area. Their names and services will vary depending on your area, but I’m talking about the convention and visitor bureaus, tourism boards, economic development partnerships, chambers of commerce, and other related organizations.

Some of these will be membership-based or offer services for a fee, while others may have free opportunities. Online or print directory listings, email lead lists, advertising opportunities, and networking events are all potential offerings by these organizations that can help you reach a local audience.

People want to do business with people, and business networking is all about who you know and who they may know who needs you. So, get out there and start meeting people!

#2 – Network in Local and Regional Facebook Groups

Another effective tool can be to network in Facebook groups. Search a variety of keywords for your local area and surrounding regions on Facebook, looking for local classified and interest groups. In certain destination areas, there may even be groups specific to travel in your area.

As you join groups, pay careful attention to the rules. Some groups have rules against self-promotion or only allow direct promotion on certain days. Even if a group has a no-promotion rule, you are allowed to answer direct questions related to what you offer. So, you may be in a group that doesn’t let you directly promote your vacation rental – but if someone in the group posts and says they are LOOKING FOR a vacation rental in your area, there is your opportunity to answer and tell them all about yours.

Even if you find groups that do allow self-promotion, it’s important to set up some sort of schedule and not spam the group. Choose interesting and unique things to share about your vacation rental, and don’t post the same thing in multiple groups on the same day. Treat networking in Facebook groups just like you would in-person networking. Get to know the people and let them know how you can help – don’t spam them.

#3 – Create Strategic Partnerships with Local Businesses

Another great way to build recognition for your vacation rental is to create strategic partnerships with local businesses. Whether it’s local shops, restaurants, attractions, or travel-related service providers, you all benefit from visitors coming into your area.

In addition to traveling closer to home, visitors will also be looking for ways to save money once they arrive at your vacation rental. Consider offering your guests a welcome gift that includes a free pizza night, grocery gift basket, locally roasted coffee or beer/wine, a beach bag from a local gift shop with sunscreen and destination hats, etc. These are great ways to support local businesses and build relationships.

Other ways to support local businesses include magnets featuring your partners on the refrigerator in your vacation rental, discount coupons from them in your welcome basket, and shoutouts and tags on your social media accounts.

The idea behind strategic partnerships is that you help each other, so as you feature and support them, they will feature and support your vacation rental in exchange.

#4 – Build a Presence on Platforms like Alignable and LinkedIn

If you aren’t already on Alignable and LinkedIn, I recommend joining both. They are free and can be a great way to meet colleagues and local business people. LinkedIn has a robust search that let you find people based on a variety of criteria, and Alignable is similar in concept but more focused on local marketing.

You will also want to treat them like you are visiting an in-person networking event. Again – don’t spam people, but focus on building relationships and making sure they know what you do. The goal is that when they meet someone looking for a vacation rental in your area, you come to their mind, and they refer their friend to you.

#5 – Don’t Forget About Print Advertising

When we talk about marketing to a local audience, it’s also important to remember the basics and consider some print advertising options. Newspapers and other local publications can still be an effective and affordable way to reach your target audience.

There are also likely community boards that will allow you to hang flyers or business cards. Check places like your local post office, library, community center, or even local businesses.

Bonus Tip: Offer a Referral Discount or Gift!

We all know what they say about how it’s easier to keep a customer than find a new one. This is also true in the vacation rental industry – how many of your guests are repeat guests who have stayed with you multiple times?  They know your home is clean and well-maintained with the amenities and location they prefer, and why would they go anywhere else?

Encourage your past guests to tell their friends about your vacation rental by sending them an email campaign featuring a referral discount or gift.

You could also offer a referral gift during your networking endeavors. Possible offerings include a coupon code for $50 off their next stay with you, a gift card or basket, or another fun gift of your choice.

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