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Guest Posts

Blog header: Movement Breaks to Boost Creativity & Efficiency

Movement Breaks to Boost Creativity and Efficiency

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This week’s guest blog post was written by Jess Roe, Holistic Health and Fitness Coach. Jess focuses on the importance of incorporating consistent movement into your workday that doesn’t have to be excessive or schedule-limiting. She is awesome to work with and is filled with knowledge and encouragement. Thanks for sharing this with us, Jess! === Raise your hand if you’re working from home more often than not these days. Whether you are working for… Read More »Movement Breaks to Boost Creativity and Efficiency

Facebook page doesn't replace a business website - blog header image

Why a Facebook Page Doesn’t Replace a Business Website

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So, why do you need a website if you already have a Facebook page? In this post, guest author Robert Shurtleff discusses why a Facebook page doesn’t replace a business website. There are several reasons you should have a website as part of your online presence and not rely solely on social media. The Facebook Algorithm vs. Google Search First, let’s look at Facebook vs. Google. Facebook’s algorithm controls the visibility of your content while… Read More »Why a Facebook Page Doesn’t Replace a Business Website