Let's simplify your online marketing efforts!
Hi, I’m Darcy – a content marketing strategist and the owner of Digital Darcy. I love helping small businesses like you simplify your social media, email marketing, blogging, and other online marketing efforts into a streamlined plan that will boost your online presence.
I’ve spent my entire professional career working with small businesses in some way, so I understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. It is my mission to help ease the burden by helping you create a marketing plan that makes sense for your business.
I believe your content marketing strategy should have:
- A consistent blend of organic social media content
- A nurtured email list for your community
- A regularly updated blog on your website
I help my clients implement and maintain a combination of these with my digital products and done-with-you offers
A Marketing Expert Who
Understands Your Needs
With nearly 20 years of experience in marketing and project management, my industry backgrounds include vacation rentals, tourism, real estate, technology, and senior healthcare.
My collected experience puts me in the perfect position to help vacation rental owners, nursing home managers, and small business owners with marketing and business strategy, coaching, and more.
I grew up in South Dakota and received my Bachelor of Science degree in Consumer Affairs with minors in Business and Journalism from South Dakota State University. From there, I lived in Texas and North Carolina before landing in Minnesota. Most recently, I completed professional certificates in Digital Marketing, Marketing Analytics, and Marketing Strategy, and Brand Management from eCornell University.
get to know me!
I’m happiest in the sunshine and believe in equal rights and kindness for all. A constant list-maker and idea girl, you’ll usually find me not far from a notebook.
My husband and I have two dogs and some goldfish pals. Fun fact: we bought our 1880 Victorian home on a foreclosure via the Internet from 2,000 miles away!
I enjoy:
- cooking
- lake days
- quiet walks
- soapmaking
- sitting on my patio
- food preservation
I share about collection of these on my lifestyle blog, and I have a goat milk soap shop there too!
Work With Me
Are you struggling to put all the pieces together into an actionable plan that you can actually implement? I love helping small business owners simplify their online marketing plans while offering as much support as you need along the way. I also have some digital products that are built to help you – you guessed it – SIMPLIFY!
Guest Appearances
- Monthly contributor to the Hobbs Realty Vacation Rentals Blog
- Guest on the “Imperfection in Progress” podcast with Dawn Calvinisti
- Collaborator in the ICodeHappy.com Website Audit Series
- Guest blog posts on Melissa Forziat Events & Marketing
- How to Get Up from Your Desk and Move More During Your Workday on MelissaForziatEvents.com
- Dressing for Success on a Budget on MelissaForziatEvents.com
- The Importance of Having a Blog on Your Website on ReddePayments.com
- Let’s Talk Shop Show